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All about FIP Relapse: Prevention, Causes and Treatment

fip relapse


Why a FIP relapse occurs?

FIP is caused by a virus, so the disease can remain latent (inactive) in an infected cat’s system for some time after initial treatment. A FIP relapse can occur even months or weeks after completing treatment if the virus reactivates itself.

Additionally, it has been found that relapses are more common in cats with neurological FIP symptoms compared to other forms of the disease, making them particularly vulnerable to this problem.

For well-established cases involving eyes, brain and spine infections, a minimum treatment course of 12 weeks may be necessary for full resolution and recovery from FIP.

How to prevent a FIP relapse when treating with GS441524?

Don’t use immunosuppresants

Immunosuppressants are drugs normally prescribed to reduce damage from inflammation when treating feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) in the initial period.

Immunosuppressant drugs can interfere with the body’s ability to recover from FIP, as they weaken the natural defense systems by decreasing inflammation and suppressing immunity. This can lead to an increased risk for relapse or further complications such as infection.

Continue treatment for a minimum of 84 days

The recommendation of treating cats with FIP relapseGS441524 for 84 days is backed by research, showing that it increases the efficacy of the treatment. Out of 393 patients, 90% achieved a successful course when administering GS441524 over 12 weeks and 11.4% extended their treatment beyond 84 days to even better results.

This further reinforces the importance of completing the full recommended dosage in order to optimize success rates.

Under-dosing GS441524 increases the risk of relapse as well as drug resistance which can ultimately result in an unsuccessful treatment for your feline companion.

Providing sufficient hydration and nutritional support

It is essential to provide adequate hydration and nutritional support during the FIP relapse treatment. Hydration is hugely important when treating cats with FIP, as it helps maintain normal organ function and supports the immune system’s response against the virus.

On top of that, it can help reduce some of the blood clotting problems associated with this disease. Meanwhile, proper nutrition plays an essential role in supporting healing and recovery.

Adequate protein intake is required to build up muscles affected by infection and restore lost energy levels due to a weakened state or medication side effects while certain dietary supplements could help boost cat’s immunity further in countering the virus.

How to treat a relapse if it occurs?

Increase the GS441524 dosage

If a relapse occurs after the course of treating FIP in cats, increasing the dosage of GS441524 by 50% is necessary. A higher dose can have improved effectiveness in treating FIP relapses.

If your cat has developed a high resistance to GS441524, you may combine the treatment with GC376. However, when relapses occur, the chances of the cat surviving is usually slim.

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