Si raccomanda a tutti i gatti affetti da FIP di sottoporsi al seguente protocollo di trattamento:
1. Trattamento con iniezione quotidiana per un minimo di 30 giorni
2. Seguito da un trattamento orale quotidiano con compresse per i giorni restanti fino al giorno 84.
3. Alimentazione forzata per tutta la durata
4. Goccia sottocutanea di soluzione di Hartmann o di soluzione di Ringer lattato.
5. Per i gatti in condizioni gravi, si consiglia di ricoverare i gatti durante la durata del trattamento.
151 recensioni per 6x strisce FipMed Compresse x 10 giorni (per gatti di 4 kg)
Just out of curiosity, were you guys able to start treatment and he just didn’t take well to it? We are new on our fip journey.
My sweet boy Bert is 5 1/2 years old and has been diagnosed with wet FIP. It came about quickly. I quickly ordered these pills and somehow it is effective and slowly working for Bert. Let’s hope for Bert’s speedy recovery!
My kitty has been diagnosed with wet FIP and I was directed by some friends to this meds. My kitty is now having appetite, less on diarrhoea. I’m happy I found FipMed!
So glad I started treatment and already see some improvement! Sending kitty love and hope he continues to fight! Kitties do recover from this. I hope everyone doesn’t give up!
Cashew, my FIP boy, was literally days from passing before I was able to get him treatment. He needed IV fluids and nutrition, as well as round the clock care from a vet, to pull him through the first week. We were *extremely* lucky to be connected with a vet willing to help and knowledgable about FIP. It was still touch and go.
Cashew was, at the time, a foster kitten. The rescue we fostered with wasn’t sure about the diagnosis, and then wasnt sure about treatment (since its not officially recognized), and then thought he was too sick. Finally, my partner and I legally took over the care of Cashew and his brother Walnut, so we could get them treatment.
Even if your baby is very ill, there is hope. Cashew has 14 days left in treatment, and is healthy, happy, and strong. He was just 3.5 months old when we started treatment.