Nutritional Supplements for Cats with FIP

It is recommended to give your cat vitamins and supplements to keep their kidney and liver healthy and strong during the process of FIP treatment. Healthy internal organs increase the body’s ability to resist infections and recover from illness. There are currently no known adverse side effects when vitamins and nutritional supplements for cats are given alongside of GS-441524 during FIP treatments.
Vitamins for Cats
Vitamin B12: Extremely safe to give, subcutaneous B12 injections can be given to cats weekly to help fight anaemia and support the immune system.
With Pet Tinic or a comparable product, daily vitamin assistance can be given.
B12 is typically found in foods with an animal origin, such as meat, fish, eggs, and liver.
However, a cat with FIP will quickly deplete its stores, necessitating replenishment.
Red blood cell production and maintenance are aided by vitamin B12.
- B12 preserves the health of the neurological system (nerve cells and normal myelination –the fatty sheaths that cover and protect nerve endings). For nerve and cognitive processes, it is crucial.
- B12 maintains the health of the intestines to ensure adequate food digestion and absorption as well as the metabolism of fats and carbs.
Nutritional Supplements for Cats with FIP
Gabapentin: A mild analgesic that can be taken orally 60 to 90 minutes prior to injections. When administered correctly, this will only temporarily lessen the discomfort of the injection without making your cat feel sleepy or sedated.
Lidocain cream: This can be rubbed to the cat’s skin 30 minutes before injecting it with GS441 to lessen the sting. Use just the lotion devoid of aloe, as cats are extremely toxic to aloe.
Slippery Elm Bark: Syrup made from slippery elm bark is an all-natural cure for nausea, vomiting, and other conditions.
Denamarin: The cat liver supplement Denamarin Tablets boosts antioxidant levels.
Silymarin (Milk Thistle): Use this natural supplement, which is well-known for its ability to strengthen and preserve the liver, to improve your cat’s liver health.
It is recommended that when treating FIP with GS411, you give your cat either Denamarin or Silymarin to provide maximum liver support.
Don’t give L-lysine for FIP cats
Although L-lysine is frequently used for feline herpesvirus and as an immune system booster, new research have shown that it has no clear advantages. Additionally, FCoV+ cats, cats at risk of developing FIP, and cats with FIP should not take L-lysine.
Moducare and the immune system
Immunity is key. The best line of protection against any disease is a strong immune system. It’s crucial to build up and keep up a strong immune system. When necessary, Moducare aids in adjusting the immune system’s response.
Nutrition for cat with FIP
Feed FIP to cats a few pilchards, salmon, sardines, or other omega-3-rich fish Increase the intake of the cat’s diet’s anti-inflammatory omega 3 fatty acids. Real fish is available in canned meals from Applaws and Almo Nature. However, be mindful of the potential of hypervitaminosis A (excessive laying down of bone at the joints) and take a fresh look at the situation after 6 weeks if you feed too much genuine fish.
Remember to provide the cat’s guardian instructions on how to gradually switch the food over a period of weeks; otherwise, the cat will gobble up the new food for a few days before getting sick of it and never touching it again! Giving a new food for one meal, returning to the cat’s regular diet for the following several meals, then offering a little amount of the new food once more, and so on, gradually increasing the frequency of the new foods, until serving a different food at each meal becomes routine for the cat. It will take at least a month to effectively introduce new meals.
Raw diet such as raw beef is also full of nutrients that a cat needs. Provide raw meat (beef is the best) every meal. It contains much anti-inflammatory properties and boost your cat’s immune system
Extra VITAMINs that can be given to cat with FIP
Vitamin A (optional)
Vitamin A is an antioxidant. Supplementing with vitamin A is not necessary for cats receiving frequent actual fish meals. Beta-carotene cannot be metabolised by cats, so they must be given vitamin A in the form of fish or fish oil, such as halibut liver oil. Including real fish in the diet rather than merely supplements is preferred. Hypervitaminosis A, however, will result in excessive bone lying down at the joints, therefore avoid using it consistently for longer than 4-6 weeks.
Vitamin B complex (optional)
Multivitamin B is a good appetite stimulant, which is available from pharmacies or health food stores. Thiamine, a vitamin B1 (optional – if not giving B complex) administered orally (i.e. by mouth or in food).
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) (optional)
Vitamin C is an antioxidant. Vitamin C should only be used for a few weeks because it can lead to oxalate crystals in the urine if taken for an extended period of time. Dose: 125 milligrams administered orally or through food twice daily.
With all that in mind, cat owners should be more open to the idea of giving supplements to their cats to aid them through the FIP treatment process as these different supplements can help their cats’ health. However, be sure to keep in mind that not all supplements are totally risk free as they can have differing results depending on supplement dosage and the individual cat’s physique.