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How do cats get FIP: What causes FIP in cats?

How do cats get FIP?

Feline Coronavirus (FCoV) is the leading cause of FIP in cats, though other modes of transmission are possible.

Feline Coronavirus (FCoV)

Feline coronavirus (FCoV) is a common viral infection among cats that typically does not cause any symptoms or may only be associated with mild diarrhea. It is highly contagious and can spread through direct contact, indirect contact, or fecal-oral route between cats in the same household.

FCoV is a virus with an envelope and a single-stranded RNA genome. Many popular disinfectants can quickly inactivate the virus since it is quite weak. Cats living in close quarters or in multi-cat situations are more vulnerable to exposure and transmission.

FCoV is not a zoonotic virus, which means it does not commonly infect people. However, there have been a few reports of human infection. FCoV is most commonly spread by contact with sick cats’ saliva, nasal secretions, feces, and virus-contaminated items.

FECV (Feline Enteric Coronavirus):

The virus’s less virulent version is FECV. It primarily affects cats’ digestive tracts. Many infected cats are asymptomatic, which means they exhibit no clinical indications of disease. FECV can produce moderate gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea in certain patients, but it normally disappears without therapy. Cats infected with FECV may shed the virus in their feces, potentially infecting other cats.

FIPV (Feline Infectious Peritonitis Virus):

FIPV is the most dangerous and dangerous strain of the virus that can cause Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP). FIPV can arise from an FECV mutation in the same animal. The FIPV transition is poorly understood and can be impacted by a variety of circumstances, including the cat’s immunological response. FIPV-infected cats may have fever, lethargy, weight loss, stomach distension (in the wet form), and organ dysfunction.

How is FIP transmitted?

FCoV can be spread through direct contact between cats, indirect contamination of objects or environments, ingestion of virus-containing feces and respiratory droplets from an infected cat.

Direct Contact:

Cats can become infected with the feline coronavirus (FCoV) and subsequently develop FIP through close and direct contact with an infected cat.

Although the virus can survive in a variety of environments, it is not airborne and requires direct contact to be transmitted from one cat to another. This means that cats must come into contact with an infected animal or contaminated surface for the virus to spread.

Grooming, mutual sniffing, biting, sharing food bowls and other close interactions are essential for FIP transmission between cats as large amounts of the virus need to be present in saliva and other bodily fluids for infection to occur.

It is also important to note that this mode of transmission does not guarantee infection; even when exposed directly, some cats may not develop any symptoms due to their genetic makeup or immune system status providing resistance against it.

Indirect Contact:

The virus can also be transmitted indirectly through contaminated objects and environments. The virus can survive in the environment for several weeks under the right conditions.

This means that even if a cat has not directly had contact with an infected feline, it can become infected if it comes into contact with the virus from other sources. For example, cats may get exposed to FIP through bedding or food dishes contaminated by litter from an infected cat, other cats scratching and biting each other’s fur or playing in areas where another cat has deposited or shed feces containing the virus.

For this reason, it is extremely important that toilet areas such as litter boxes are cleaned regularly using warm water and soap (remembering to change gloves between uses) as well as frequent changing of absorbent surfaces like bedding materials and food bowls when they become soiled.

Additionally, nutrient-rich diets full of antioxidants should be provided to help support cats’ overall immune systems and maximize their defense against infections like FIP.

Fecal-Oral Route:

Cats can become infected by ingesting the virus that has been shed in the feces of an infected cat. This can happen when a cat grooms itself after coming into contact with contaminated feces or litter.

For this reason, extreme caution should be taken in multi-cat households as good hygiene is key for reducing risk of FIP exposure. All owners should exercise proper sanitation regularly within their feline household: ensuring regular cleaning of food bowls, avoiding shared beds and blankets among cats in the house as well as disinfecting once a week all surfaces they could potentially have access to; such as tabletops, beds that are still not water proof don’t reach areas where sewage will drain down etc.

Respiratory Droplets:

However, FIP can also be spread from one cat to another through respiratory droplets when an infected cat sneezes or coughs. While respiratory transmission of the more virulent form of feline enteric coronaviruses (FCoV) is less common than other modes of transmission such as direct or indirect contact, it is still possible for a healthy cat to inhale the virus if they are close enough to an infected animal when it releases these infectious particles.


FIP Risk factors:

Cats that are under the age of two, over the age of ten, purebred or from catteries, living in overcrowded environments and those with compromised immune systems may be more at risk for developing FIP.

Age: FIP is more commonly seen in cats under the age of 2 and over the age of 10. Kittens and older cats appear to be at higher risk.

Younger cats and senior cats often have an immature or weakened immune system that can put them at greater risk for developing FIP. These age groups also tend to be exposed more frequently to the feline coronavirus, as they may be living indoors with other cats, going outdoors for adventures, or coming into contact with other cats in shelters or catteries.

Breed: Certain breeds, such as purebred cats or those from catteries, may be at a higher risk for FIP.

Cats from catteries or purebred lines may be especially prone to developing FIP. Abyssinians, Bengals, Birmans, Himalayans, Ragdolls and Rexes have a significantly higher risk of the disease compared to other cats.

Other cat breeds including Burmese, Exotic Shorthairs, Manxes, Persians and Russian Blues are also found to be more susceptible to FIP due to genetics and their increased exposure in breeding programs.

It is thought that certain genetic factors associated with Persian cats (and their associated breeds) render them slightly less able than other feline species at controlling the virus which causes FIP – making them more prone to infection should they come into contact with it.

There is evidence that suggests Persian cats carry ‘predisposing alleles’ for this condition which leaves them vulnerable when exposed the virus that causes FIP meaning steps must be taken by owners of these orientated breeds in order provide better defense against its spread among members within multi-cat households .

Crowded living conditions:

Cats that live in crowded or stressful situations have a greater risk of coming into contact with the feline coronavirus, which can result in infection and subsequent development of FIP.

Some risk factors related to living in crowded conditions include close proximity with other cats, shared resources (such as food dishes, litter boxes and beds) and weakened immune systems due to stress.

In particular, exposure to other cats is an important factor for transmission since infected cats shed virus into their saliva or feces. Close contact between cats allows for the virus to spread more easily.

In multi-cat households and shelters it’s important to reduce the chances of transmission by promoting good hygiene practices such as disinfecting surfaces with household cleaner and washing hands regularly between petting different felines.


Some cats may have a genetic predisposition that makes them more susceptible to developing FIP. This may be related to their immune system or their ability to control the feline coronavirus.

A cat’s genetic makeup can make them more vulnerable to infection, either by making them unable to recognize and fight off invading virus particles or by making their cell membranes less resistant against the virus.

They can also make certain cells in cats susceptible to an immune response that will trigger inflammation leading to further tissue damage. Additionally, some cats might lack the ability control replication of the dangerous feline coronavirus strain associated with FIP, thus increasing their susceptibility for developing this condition.


Stress negatively affects cats’ immune systems, reducing their ability to fight off infections. Cats may become stressed when they experience any significant change in their environment or routine — like moving house or being introduced to a new pet.

When a cat is exposed to stressors, its body releases hormones that suppress the production and function of certain immune cells. This causes the cat’s overall immune system performance to decrease, making it more susceptible not only to FIP but also other illnesses or diseases, such as those caused by parasites and bacteria.

It’s important for cat owners to be aware of how stress can compromise a cat’s immunity and take steps on mitigate its effects when possible. For instance, if you are introducing a new pet or family member into your home environment it’s best practice that you do so gradually – allowing your existing pets time to adjust slowly without putting themselves under too much pressure.

Immune system status:

FeLV and FIV are viral infections that affect cats, both of which attack the cat’s immune system. As a result, cats with weakened immune systems due to either virus often have difficulty fighting off other diseases or illnesses, including FIP.

Cats with underlying diseases such as FeLV or FIV may be less capable of mounting an effective response against coronavirus infection when exposed to it and more likely to succumb to developing the disease.

Malnourished cats are also susceptible to developing FIP.

Ways to prevent FIP

Cat owners can help reduce the risk of their cats contracting FIP by ensuring regular vaccinations, promoting a healthy immune system and taking proper hygiene and sanitation measures.


Vaccination is one of the main ways to help reduce the risk of a cat developing FIP. Vaccines are available that help protect against the feline coronavirus (FCoV), which can cause FIP in cats.

These vaccines may not be completely effective at preventing infection, but they can decrease the chances that an exposed cat will develop clinical disease and have severe symptoms associated with FIP.

It’s important to note that some cats may already have antibodies from previous exposure and are more likely going to be resistant to vaccination; however, cats seronegative for FCoV at the time of vaccination appear much less likely to experience or show significant symptoms if they become infected down the line.

Promoting a healthy immune system

Keeping a cat’s immune system healthy can help prevent FIP. Proper nutrition is essential in promoting good health and a strong immune system. Cats should be fed high-quality, species-appropriate diets that are free from fillers and byproducts.

Limiting the amount of dry food in their diet can also help reduce inflammation caused by dietary carbohydrates, as well as other illnesses linked to poor nutrition such as obesity, diabetes, and urinary tract infections (UTI).

Regular physical exams with your veterinarian can ensure your pet stays healthy and any health concerns are identified early. Regular vaccinations against common feline illnesses like distemper and rabies will also minimize the risk of infectionassociated with those diseases.

If cats live in an environment prone to stress or overcrowding – for example multi-cat households or shelters & rescue facilities – it may be beneficial to try providing toys and scratching poles for enrichment activity along with sufficient space between each animal.

Hygiene and sanitation measures

It is important for cat owners to pay special attention to implementing hygiene and sanitation measures around their cats in order to reduce the risk of FIP. Regularly cleaning litter boxes, food and water bowls, bedding, surfaces, toys, and carriers will help minimize contact with the virus.

Practicing good handwashing after handling potentially contaminated items will also reduce the chance of transmission. In multi-pet households or shelters it may be beneficial to have distinct areas used only by individual cats in order to avoid cross contamination.

When caring for a sick cat prefer disposable gloves during all interactions until treatment is completed. Keeping these areas clean from feces and other debris as well as providing fresh food choices can further reduce the spread of infection from one pet to another.


Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) is a severe viral disease with no known cure in cats. Typically caused by a mutated strain of the feline coronavirus, FIP is often fatal and can affect cats of any age or breed.

To reduce the risk of your cat developing this debilitating virus, vaccination is recommended as well as taking measures to promote a healthy immune system and maintain proper hygiene and sanitation.

Ultimately, it’s important to be aware that while we might never eradicate FIP entirely, following sound preventative measures can help safeguard your feline from infection – both saving them from suffering and potentially sparing their lives.

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