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FIPMed EIDD2801 30x Capsules (4kg cats) High toxicity. Only for GS441524 resistant cats.


We offer FIPMed EIDD2801 capsules for cats that have developed resistance to GS441524 and it no longer works for them. In that case, EIDD2801 can be a last resort.

Molnupiravir (EIDD-2801) shows high toxicity, making it unsuitable for the long-term use required in FIP treatment. Prolonged use can lead to RNA mutations, increasing the risk of cancer.

Molnupiravir is only appropriate for short-term treatments like COVID-19, where a 5-day course isn’t long enough to cause harmful mutagenic effects.

FIP cats treated with Molnupiravir or EIDD2801 might have increased chance of getting cancer within 3 years’ time. It is not recommended to treat FIP with EIDD2801, particularly for young cats.

It is only an alternative if your cat does not respond to GS441524 any longer.

Why does FIP treatment need to last 84 days? The FIPV virus remains in the cat’s body for up to 90 days. Antivirals like GS-441524, Molnupiravir, and GC376 inhibit virus replication rather than killing the virus directly, so we must wait for the virus to die naturally. There is currently no drug in the market to kill the virus successfully to shorten the treatment time.

• Directions: 1 capsule a day

• Each capsule contains 60mg of Molnupiravir (EIDD2801) for 3 kg cats

• Each bottle contains 30 capsules

In stock

We offer FIPMed EIDD2801 capsules for cats that have developed resistance to GS441524 and it no longer works for them. In that case, EIDD2801 can be a last resort.

Molnupiravir (EIDD-2801) shows high toxicity, making it unsuitable for the long-term use required in FIP treatment. Prolonged use can lead to RNA mutations, increasing the risk of cancer.

Molnupiravir is only appropriate for short-term treatments like COVID-19, where a 5-day course isn’t long enough to cause harmful mutagenic effects.

FIP cats treated with Molnupiravir or EIDD2801 might have increased chance of getting cancer within 3 years’ time. It is not recommended to treat FIP with EIDD2801, particularly for young cats.

It is only an alternative if your cat does not respond to GS441524 any longer.

Why does FIP treatment need to last 84 days? The FIPV virus remains in the cat’s body for up to 90 days. Antivirals like GS-441524, Molnupiravir, and GC376 inhibit virus replication rather than killing the virus directly, so we must wait for the virus to die naturally. There is currently no drug in the market to kill the virus successfully to shorten the treatment time.

• Directions: 1 capsule a day

• Each capsule contains 100mg of Molnupiravir (EIDD2801) for 5 kg cats

• Each bottle contains 30 capsules

How to spot EIDD2801 sold as GS441524?

• If the price is much lower compared to industry standards for GS441524

• If it is sold in capsule form. No manufacturer produces GS-441524 in capsule form. But all EIDD2801 treatment is made in capsule form.

• If the dosage or treatment duration is different from Dr Niels Pedersen’s recommendation


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This is Astoria. She’s much smaller than her littermate sister my friend has but I have seen no lasting medical issues thus far. Indeed, tablet was a good one


My baby, Melon, is currently hospitalized at Kansas State because of his FIP. We were on day 7 of pills and he was doing amazing.


Just out of curiosity, were you guys able to start treatment and he just didn’t take well to it? We are new on our fip journey.


My sweet boy Bert is 5 1/2 years old and has been diagnosed with wet FIP. It came about quickly. I quickly ordered these pills and somehow it is effective and slowly working for Bert. Let’s hope for Bert’s speedy recovery!


My cat was just diagnosed with FIP, I need to get him started on meds. My other cat had FIP also and went through treatment with FipMed pills and is doing well. Thankss Fipmed!


During treatment, Suki distanced herself from everyone – people and other household pets. During the observation period, we continued to give nightly treats even though we weren’t doing injections. She would give us the “whatchoo talkin’ ’bout, Willis?” side eye. By the end of observation, she was a total snuggle bug. It’s like she somehow knew we worked hard to help her live. She’s the house diva now.


My kitty has been diagnosed with wet FIP and I was directed by some friends to this meds. My kitty is now having appetite, less on diarrhoea. I’m happy I found FipMed!


So glad I started treatment and already see some improvement! Sending kitty love and hope he continues to fight! Kitties do recover from this. I hope everyone doesn’t give up!


Cashew, my FIP boy, was literally days from passing before I was able to get him treatment. He needed IV fluids and nutrition, as well as round the clock care from a vet, to pull him through the first week. We were *extremely* lucky to be connected with a vet willing to help and knowledgable about FIP. It was still touch and go.

Cashew was, at the time, a foster kitten. The rescue we fostered with wasn’t sure about the diagnosis, and then wasnt sure about treatment (since its not officially recognized), and then thought he was too sick. Finally, my partner and I legally took over the care of Cashew and his brother Walnut, so we could get them treatment.

Even if your baby is very ill, there is hope. Cashew has 14 days left in treatment, and is healthy, happy, and strong. He was just 3.5 months old when we started treatment.


My cat is finally cured! The treatment works! And bless my vet for telling me that treatment is available! Many veterinarians are not aware of the treatment and parents are given little hope until we start googling and find out about treatment. Stay strong, everyone. We’ve got this.♥️


My sweet Mojo may possibly be FIP positive, though not all the lab work has been completed to show confirmation on that diagnosis, or perhaps an intestinal lymphoma.

The vet did say that would be rare given his age (11 year old), but she also didn’t want to rule it out since some of the clinical signatures are present (sudden loss of appetite, persistent low-grade fever that started last Tuesday).

Before bringing him in just on Tuesday to be admitted to our local urgent care (we got him back home last night) we brought him in first on Sunday where they were at least able to get him to eat 3 of those appetite stimulant snacks, but there hasn’t been much in the way of eating since bringing him back home. They were to ones have emergency pills so we tried. In about 11 hours, Mojo somehow started having appetite again. I believe in the effectiveness and I will keep purchasing these pills for Mojo. I will do whatever that is possible to help.


My girl’s been cured for three months now and the people who meet her have no idea! The major difference is how much weight she gained as I could feel her ribs prior to treatment. But now she bounds around, greeting people at the door and playing fetch!


After I started treatment, I think they know we’re saving them, my baby just started to feel better today, and show some signs of progress and she immediately was kissing my face when I held her. Thank you very much FipMed!!


I just started my baby on treatment and he has started to turn around. It’s a rollercoaster ride of emotions to say the least. FipMed here has been absolutely wonderful to my cat!


Sometimes it seems to take females a little longer to become lovers, but they do! Some are aloof too….

All cats get annoyed you’re picking at them I think. There’s definitely a period of them feeling better where they don’t want to be messed with any longer, and they then eventually give in lol So, my suggestion here just keep on keeping on 🧡 though they need to suffer after injections


My cat was diagnosed with fatal FIP disease 4 days ago. She can no longer walk, eat or go to the toilet on his own. The doctor said if left untreated she would result in sudden death. She had injections twice. I am switching to pills and guess what? It’s working for my cat within a few hours. It started grooming itself and eating tiny bits! I am glad!


I had 4 who developed fip within 4 months. All different . The first had chronic diarrhoea from a few weeks old (likely feline corona virus) and was underweight, dry brittle fur util he developed a wobble and lethargy at 4 months old when he was diagnosed. He started to recover after 24 hours of treatment! The second was coughing for 4 days, nothing else. He was 16 months. Got a little weaker and struggled to jump on tables etc and took 2 weeks to improve even though he showed less illness. The 3rd had bladder issues so was treated for that until it was realised he had fip too and the vet advised to pts (happy for the other 2 getting treatment) . The 4th was not gaining weight for 8 weeks, 3 months to 5 months, got tested several times and was always negative until one day he was so thin it was decided to treat him anyway. He was so weak he had a massive reaction to sedation and was paralysed. He wasn’t expected to last the night. He had his first pill at 9pm and the next morning he was screaming for food!! All are fully recovered and healthy.


my kitten went into the vet the other morning after her being very lethargic, she couldn’t hold herself up and was barely eating. she was diagnosed with FIP recently at 4 months old, i’m looking for guidance into treatment till i found fipmed. my heart shattered for her after reading more about it and am willing to do anything for her. i bought these pills then and somehow it is working for my fur baby, at least the appetite is back. i’m so thankful i found this website and the pills !!


I switched to FipMed pills as soon as I heard how helpful it was. It’s more expensive, but there are no sores, scabs, or scars.


My Kitty had sore sides with 1 or 2 sores this week. She had a vet appointment and her bloodwork showed possible infection. We opted to give her a 1-time antibiotic injection in the office. It has a 2-week duration. We also did cold laser therapy that this vet offers. Kitty was feeling better the next day. Shots have effect like sores but we still need to deal with FIP.


My Luna experienced pain and it was because I injected her wrong and it hurt her. Please learn how to do shots before buying…


My boy had his 30 day bloodwork and I want to share it.

When I got him from his foster mom (a friend of mine) in April, I took him for a check up and he was about 7 pounds and declared healthy. Never an active boy, I jokingly nicknamed him Loaf.

In August he wasn’t well. Throwing up, losing weight. Got him to the vet and he was barely 6 pounds. Looked like a 20 year old. My sweet docile boy bit two techs! We were sent to the ER where that night we got the call, suspected FIP. But there was some hope but it wasn’t easy or affordable. She gave us time to talk and google and we called back with our decision. That is how we came here and got the pills. Guess what, Loaf’s health have never been better than this!


Reminded in my fb memories today. Have to leave this here since I am always grateful of FipMed meds and injections… Pretty Pretty Princess Piper is cured for 18 months and perfectly healthy. She’s a little small, but not abnormally so and her giant brothers maybe make her look tiny in comparison.


He’s celebrating 4 years cured in November. He’s never been sick another day in his life and his annual labs look perfect.


We’re back to normal with Macki. He even started eating hard food again… something he rarely did before fip… but struggled with it in the very early stages so he refused to touch it. He was cured with injections June 9th of this year.

You’d never even know he was literally hours from death back in December! All thanks to Dr. Peterson, this amazing medicine, compassionate group of individuals and God sent admins! 🐾💙


Momo took about 48 hours for me to see some improvement. He stopped vomiting thanks to the anti -nausea meds and although he never stopped eating, he was even more interested in it thanks to the steroids.

We had a hiccup though, we we traveling and had coverage for his shots for all but one day. I was struggling to get answers. A wonderful woman reached out to me to tell me about this FipMed so I got my answers and we were able to pill him for that day instead.

My boy grew and grew.

He played. I almost cried. I never saw it before. Ever. He loves all the toys. He runs around like a madman with them.

And he FEELS good. There is a lovely heft to him that he never had.


We’re day 8 on our treatment with our young 6 m/o. He’s taking really well to it and has already gained almost a full pound and is acting a lot more normal. Was just curious what her story was. Success rate is so high in always interested in the unfortunate unlucky cases. As heartbreaking as it is, it will always serve as a learning opportunity to those still fighting


She’s eating that is a plus

She’s a fighter

She will have more appetite thanks to the pills!



Our two FIP fighters were picky eaters throughout treatment. What they liked one day, they wouldn’t eat the next—and they would often go to their bowls, look in and then walk away. We were constantly at the pet store buying an assortment of foods–different brands, flavors, types and textures (mousse, gravy-laden, soups, kibble) to temp them to eat. Sometimes we offered a buffet at each meal in case one or both were turning their noses up at a particular food because they associated it with feeling nauseous when they last sniffed it or took a bite. The good news was that undersize-for-his age Carrick (dry FIP) gained 3 pounds during FipMed treatment and Abbey (wet FIP, lungs), 2 pounds. Abbey was diagnosed with pancreatitis during observation and is still a fussy eater. I follow him around with a bowl of food and, oddly, in the last month he will stop eating if he hears a noise or I make any movement. (He is now on a special diet.) But Carrick is now such a good eater that I have to prevent him from stealing the other cats’ food lol.


Milo never regained his continence. He was completely paralyzed from the waist down at the time of diagnosis. His gate is still a bit weak, but he is a happy, healthy guy!! I have to express his bladder 3-4 times a day, but he doesn’t mind 🙂 I really wanted to know if these are the effects of the pills?


Our little guy had Dry Neuro FIP with a bad case of meningitis. The inflammation in his brain was significant. He became resistant to meds and struggled anytime we tried to decrease his Prednisolone steroid for the meningitis. He was really struggling.


Lexi had wet/neuro, she is 1 years 5 months cured and is vivacious and full of life! Try FipMed if you want to save cats


Absolutely healthy cat. The only side effect of treatment is that she became very suspicious. She looks every time what we have in our hands etc and comes for cuddles after an hour or so after doing full observation


🤞Last bloodwork on Friday, going to have 2 legends! The pills are magic to these legends! Keep supporting FipMed!


I opted for pills and now him and I have a MUCH closer bond now. I’ve heard how injections can be painful but pills worked way better for me. He followed me around alot before treatment, now whenever I am at home, he doesn’t leave my side, ever! He was always a sweet boy, but he is way more lovable now.


Kevin was my first ever breeder buy and he will be my last. Not bc of fip but bc of a domino effect of things that I failed to see the flags but I would have taken him anyway just to save him. Had I listened to her with my first issue he’d been euthanized and I refused to return him. He was going to die in loving arms if that was gonna be the case. He has a malformed jaw and there was concern for failing to thrive from our vet…now he is almost two years cured bc of fip legends!

When I say he is a survivor I mean Kevin had a Will to live


There is persistent pain after injection so I switched to pills. She is on day 33 and I read somewhere it said that pills are best for wet FIP because they get absorbed in the stomach/ intestines where the inflammation is and injections may not reach here (Not sure this is true) and I believe all kitties in the world have different body types. For mine, pills work the best.


We have stayed on the pills and do not feel like failures. It was that or he wasn’t going to get medicine. He had soft stools which wasn’t ideal but neither was all the goop we fed him to get him out of hiding and reward him afterwards, sliding it under the couch because he wouldn’t come out for hours. His GI tract was being impacted by that and of course, all the stress. Hell, MY own GI tract wasn’t doing so great either. Pills are not a failure. I have, however, nicknamed him from Luffy to forty-two. His daily cost. It’s hard but we continued and he pays us back in his own way. Thank you FipMed for the pills!


One had herpes when I got her as a kitten and died at 5 years old this spring (I am now convinced her anemia was FIP 😢) and now the second is a kitten who also came to me sick and has FIP. These cats were not related. I bought this as recommended and it is working for my cat. I hope my cat will recover fast from this virus!


My kitty Jackson has been cured for 2.5 years. You’d never know he almost died. He’s a fat, happy, healthy, wild normal kitty. If Iever come across such situation again, I will look for injection treatment and save all the kitties with all my might!


My 8 month old kitten Poppy was recently diagnosed with dry FIP. We are looking to start treatment as soon as possible till I found this FIP treatment by FipMed. I’m glad that I was convinced and somehow saved my kitten through the help of the pills. Poppy is now jumping or even dancinggg!!


We are almost 2 years in with ours. She was severe neuro with severe obstructive hydrocephalus and was actually herniating her brain from her skull, intractable pain, and major seizures. She’s about… 98% normal now, but still has the slightest head tilt and is SUPER small like a kitten still. We call her our forever kitten. Must have stunted her growth!


Both of mine are totally healthy. One was so sick. He had an enlarged kidney and went blind. Now all his tests are perfect and he can see just fine. It’s been almost 2 years since he was cured. Grateful of FipMed as always!


My Snowy is coming up on his last week of observation. He had Neuro/ocular FIP. His bloodwork has been perfect so far since he ended treatment. He has permanent mobility issues (wobbly gait, goofy run, trouble jumping down, etc.), and he has fecal incontenence. But he’s so happy and goofy and busy. He has a great appetite and has adapted with extra stairs and ramps around the house. FipMed can really be trusted everyone!


I’m in the UK and my kitty has recently gone into observations after having the treatment.

The vials medication works quick so kitty has good chance of survival 🙂.

All the best x


Baby Karma has begun trying really hard to walk, and I’m so happy she semi does and wants to. I can’t wait for her to fully regain and start walking 100%. The fipmed meds worked! & Gabapentin helped with discomfort and some Neuro. The appetite stimulant also worked as she’s beginning to eat on her own. I’m such a proud mama. My baby is a strong survivor who is kicking dry Neuro FIPs butt! & she even started giving me kisses !!! we still have a long way to go with how long she will need her meds since we are only on day 5, but baby is going to live.


Loki has been cured for 1.5 years and he is strong and healthy. He became very bonded to me (I treated him) even though I never let my husband be around for injections because I wanted Loki to have someone else to trust. It turns out, he is more attached to me for saving him. He’s the cuddliest boy and the only sign he was ever sick are two small spots where he had sores and the fur never grew back. You have to know they are there to see them.


Our boy Rocky was living wild in our neighbourhood, and adopted our garden in 2017 over a period of a few weeks watching us carefully from the bushes. He needed a tail amp & was very sick, and had bad diahorrea for nearly two years (constant cleaning). Always was a bit grumpy and ebbed & flowed health wise until 2021 when he suddenly deteriorated & was diagnosed with FIP. Very costly (£40-70) daily treatment back then, for 120 days but he was ‘cured’.

This month he’s relapsed and we start the much more affordable treatment again today with pills from FipMed. I believe not many cats relapse, but of course this is early days with the treatment programme. I wish we’d had him tested for felv / fiv / FCov on his very first appt at the RSPCA and had full bloods done as a point of reference.


16th day of treatment, Latte’s appetite is back & no more bloated belly😘🥰😍 #Latte #isurvivedfip #84days even her brother Tama was so happy 😅


Earl started GS injections for on 9/8/23. Earl came to me last April as a neighborhood stray and he quickly claimed me and my house. He’s a very loyal loving cat and when he became ill over Labor Day weekend I was heartbroken. I ended up trying the FipMed injections and he slowly responded. He did have to have a feeding tube and a lot of tests and treatments besides the FipMed meds. He is starting to eat on his own so I’m hoping he will continue to improve.

He may have been a stray cat but he is now a much loved family member!!


My 2 yrs old cat was diagnosed with ocular/neuro FIP. We’re now on day 32 of FipMed treatment. I’ve received the bloodwork results and it turned out very good! Wil continue with the meds!


Oscar’s toy just came in for his Observation graduation. (He graduated a week and a half ago from injection) He really likes it! He is ornery as ever like a terrible two year old and I wouldn’t have it any other way!!


My neuro FIP boy, Bb, is 1.5 years out of pill treatment and recently started having vestibular episodes (nystamous, head tilt and vomiting). He has had three and he recovers from them in about 8 hours and is normal again. They might be mini strokes, no one seems to know. Bb’s bloodwork never was very telling, just his a:g ratio. Which looks great now and is the highest it’s ever been. Most vets suspect this is residual repercussions from his previously very swollen brain. It’s so stressful! Just wanted to let everyone knows that you aren’t alone. Let’s fight FIP together!


Dry FIP 659 days passed (I have a tracker on my phone) he’s absolutely fine nit had any issues so far, I still monitor him really closely and worry at the slightest thing, but he’s doing well so far


I have a beautiful boy who has been cured of FIP for 3 years. He is a happy, healthy boy who has been able to return to being a CFA show cat!


Our little Lizzy, who isn’t even 2, has been hospitalized for the past week. She hasn’t been improving and is now declining. She is very congested, won’t eat, lethargic, and a constant fluctuating fever. We are currently waiting on the results of a URI PANEL and FIP PCR. My wife and I are trying to have hope that we can see her spunky and bright again..💕 We won’t blame anything, we just hope for the best.


My Honeybear is the FIP survivor. I am glad I managed to come across this FipMed website, got their pills and effectively fed my FIP graduates. I will keep supporting this brand! Thanks FipMed!


Nuggie has lasting effects from all of the damage the virus did. Cataracts, abnormal kidney structure, GI sensitivity, slight heart murmur and slightly enlarged heart. He got sick very, very young. He started showing symptoms around 10–12 weeks. He finished 235 days of treatment 1 year ago this past July. His a/g ratio stays around .7/.9 but everything else remains stable. He’s a tough little guy and loves to give me gray hairs. 🤣. He’s now recovering from a broken leg and FHO surgery. His growth plates didn’t close.


I still cry when I watch the video of my boy Vincent walking for the “first time” it was about 6 days into treatment. It’s been 1.5 years since then. Thank you FipMed!!


My guy was in his worst and is cured now. Don’t wait on labs, everyone. There is no certain test for FIP it is diagnosed by ruling everything else out and symptoms.


One of my survivors has had no issues since being cured. My other developed severe asthma after. I am questioning if cats develop such issue after taking injection or mine has allergy or something?


I brought my kitty home from emergency vet the other night. The vet says wet FIP and kitty’s breathing is affected. He still has appetite but has trouble eating and breathing same time. Recommended to euthanize but I guess my main question is that I don’t know if its too late to try any help for him. He’s walking, etc. He sits and won’t lay due to the fluid buildup. He’s alert. I’m a nervous wreck. Lost a cat to FIP about 20 years ago. There’s finally hope when I read reviews of how helpful FipMed can be! Guess I’m here to spread positivity!!


Hash got his first pill this morning! Day 1 of 84✅

Despite the uncomfortableness because I know for how bitter a pill could be , Hash reacted only for a short time, I did not enjoy it any more than he did. I have never been so excited to see healthy cat poo in the litter box yesterday, hopefully get will get his appetite back to eat on his own soon🤞🏼


Our little male Jazz (Exotic breed) has been cured of wet FIP for 1 year 8 months now, after being diagnosed at 3 months old and told by our vet that he probably only had a week to live and should be put down. Very active and loves tearing around the house chasing his younger sister. Our miracle cat, thanks to the medications and support of a facebook group, Admins, and supportive Vet, plus many prayers & love. ❤️


This medicine has pulled cats with FIP back from the brink and I hope it proves to be a lifesaver for everyone. My Lizzy is living to its fullest after cured from FIP.


Sharing here the effectiveness of the vials… i have 2 cats that have been cured from fip and you would never be able to tell they had it they are happy and healthy as ever


Just started my 8 month kitten on meds for (likely) dry FIP. He’s doing great and could barely get up 10 days ago. There’s hope!


My mouseC still has a lingering small head bobble but other than that she is healthy and enjoying life again. She’s something pretty stinking special around this house. We love our little “House Mouse” ❤️ Tbh, I never really believe in anything but miracles do happen. Trust me, choose FipMed if your kitties have FIP


We are on Day 27 of treatments and it is so unreal how this drug can turn your cats life around. We have been very fortunate with how our rockstar has taken meds up until Wednesday night and now dancing with delight!


Stormy didn’t hate us during treatment, he was just very aloof. Now he is 30 days into observation and the most cuddly lovebug ever. He does have scar tissue but it doesn’t hurt him. I’m glad I changed to pills eventually


Legend Parm is doing GREAT with FipMed pills. His turn around is amazing and we are hopeful for continued success.


My kitty, Val, yesterday I had to take her to the animal hospital because she was coughing and having difficulty breathing. They found fluid and a mass in her stomach. They are treating her for lymphoma but the vet is concerned it may be FIP. I am not entirely sure what to do from here, the vet didn’t provide us with lots of information and unfortunately we are playing the waiting game until Val’s check up in 2 weeks. Someone recommended FipMed brand to me and I am certain I won’t give up Val. I am definitely starting this treatment as I have just bought it online. Please wish for Val’s speedy recovery.


I’m in Izmir and my cat was diagnosed a month ago. It’s been very scary but he’s doing a lot better now. Hope that I’ll see more improvement soon ❤️


I have a sweet kitty

who was cured of FIP 3 years ago. He is perfectly healthy and sleeps by my side every night,

purring as he dreams…♥️♥️


my baby chico !😻 in jus a week he’ll be 7 months now & we started treatments 9/3/23 i can’t say in words how thankful i am for this life saving meds & all the support that has came with it💕

as most are, i was skeptical at first about everything but i knew it was my only option & i was gonna try it whether it worked or not lol , but IT HAS !! so so much!! we’re a little bit into treatments now & the improvement was already there simply by day 4 keeping my hopes high!!


My cat is doing really well. She has a little bit more refraction of light in her eye that got really bad but otherwise seems fine. It doesn’t seem to impact her quality of life at all. She has a dental in a couple months so we’re going to do some extra lab work (including a cardiac lab) just to make sure she’s doing well.


My cat, Pusheen has suffered from FIP. He lost his sibling due to this disease. I am praying hard that he will be getting better soon with the meds. Please pray for me and Pusheen!


My kitty stopped eating all of a sudden. Stopped playing with his brother. Stopped grooming himself, his hair looked so messy. Started hiding in random places. Seemed so out of it, lethargic. I wasn’t able to make a vet appointment for weeks. But luckily we caught it on time. At first I had no hope for his survival until the vet recommended to reach out to this brand, FipMed. I just wish the best for my kitty!


Apa has been cured for almost 1.5 years and has no signs of ever being sick. He’s even crazier than he was pre FIP! Thank you FipMed!!


Our Meeko started being lethargic and he loves to play, not eating which he is a good eater and loves food, and not drinking. We’ve been in and out of the vet and nothing is working and his fever hasn’t gotten to a normal range in over a week. His last temp was over 104 and his vet is telling us it’s FIP which lead me to here and to try and get some support for our little guy. Bought some meds and now I hope for the best for Meeko!


My 4 month old kitten was having an uncontrollable fever, seizures, and partial paralysis, after getting pills treatment with FipMed, he is considered cured, almost quadrupled his weight and is THRIVING! Don’t give up, this treatment is a miracle!


We were astounded by how fast the pills made our Joe feel and look so much better 🥰 Thank you FipMed!!


Walter is 11 months old and was diagnosed with dry FIP and possibly neuro (he has started to lose balance walking today 😔). Today he starts his first round of FipMed! So fingers crossed 🤞 we hope to see a full recovery!


Eggplant Parmesan (Parm) is now 5 weeks into the 12 week FIP treatment protocol and is doing wonderfully!

He is happy, healthy, playing. He has gained three pounds since he started treatment and we are hoping for the best.

He was a sickly baby and it is great seeing him thrive on this treatment.


I have another rescue foster kitty the vet and I believe has fip.

Symptoms include lower energy, changes in his coat health, diarrhea (sometimes a little bloody) but fecal shows he’s free of parasites), fever of 105.8. I have bloodwork.

Anderson dsh brown tabby, dob 4/12/23, rabies (1 yr) done 7/18/23 and fvrcp that same day. He was neutered 7/18/23, felv/fiv test 7/18 (neg). dewormed 7/26 with pyrantel, and had revolution on 8/2/23.

Acted quick by purchasing this. It is effective as to how my kitty has gained weight now, more active. Just hope he will be in observation soon.


MouseC loved her chicken during treatment and is still a go to crazy kitty when we have chicken still. Prayers lifted. MouseC cured may 18th so hang in there everyone with your handsome/ pretty feller ❤️


Our Monkey is 9 months on from the end of observation. She’s perfectly healthy with no sign of any lasting damage. The process of injection hurts me to the core but now both of us are free from pain!


I have one girl, wet-neuro, that has been cured for over 3 years and she’s doing great – fat and sassy. I had one girl that came to me is horrible condition so it was a struggle for her right off just living. She overcame all those obstacles to just get FIP. She passed a couple months ago at just over 3 years old with bone cancer. This all said, I’ve had a kitty that had organ shut down at 6 weeks that I managed to turn around. I kept her because I didn’t expect her to live long and I didn’t want to adopt her out and have her pass quickly – she lived just a week shy of 19! Another boy, he died of lymphoma at 2y9m old – no FIP issue. So, you just never know what’s in their cards just like with people. Just my exp and 2 cents. Conclusion is, please get the right meds for your kitties. If I’ve known about FIPMED, I would’ve been able to save them and keep them longer with me…


Our boy Leo is a picture of health ❤️ had do extra weeks treatment with pills but he’s now happy & well. We do keep an eye out to check he’s OK he’s very spoiled and gets his own way but look at that face of cuteness 😀


My cat had FIP. I am not sure everyone can prevent it. The cat has a gene that makes them susceptible. Signs to watch for are lethargy, litter accidents, wobbly gait, extended belly that feels like jello. Now he’s free and completely cured. Thanks for FipMed!


Mimi totally spoiled. Was a really picky eater for a while but now she’s back to normal food after 2 years with tablet medication.


Pocket Change is halfway through observation and still remaining healthy in every way that matters! She’s playful, perfect appetite, and all her sores have healed. She was a neuro case, with some long lasting muscle weakness/deformity in her back legs (she just walks a little funny) and some urinary incontinence! but her blood work is great, weight is great, so happy to still have her with us!


My Luna was on the verge of death with 106.8 fever the day I started her on this treatment. She had gone limb on me, wouldn’t eat, drink or go to the bathroom. Wouldn’t play with her brother and wouldn’t so much as say a peep. She is is now 6 months cured and thriving.!

I know this medicine works and oh man it is soo worth it.!


My Luci wasn’t super affectionate before FIP. he was friendly and loved to play but didn’t really like to cuddle. since FIP, he’s become WAY more affectionate. even with as much as he hated the injections, it’s like he knew i was helping him. luci was back to normal by day 5 of injections.


Upon buying pills, I suggest you to get treatment plan on meds asap so that you will see dramatic improvement within a few days. This happened to Lily. And to those who are wondering, it is unlikely your kitten shared this or contagious because this is like already in your cat and just mutated. But please take care of hygiene and they will be like Lily, thriving as ever!


After my little guy took meds, he ate some chicken just a bit ago. I mashed it up and had it easy for him to eat without a lot of chewing. Which helps him with the breathing issue. His gums are pink. Not bright pink, but have color. He likes the attention too but I think he wonders why I keep doing such odd stuff. I just wanted to share that if diagnosed with FIP, there is hope!!


Benjamin is 100 back to the cat he was before EXCEPT I have a way closer bond with him and he is way more affectionate!! Everyone should consider the FipMed as it works really well


As of Sept 14th our baby Xena (the warrior princess) has been declared CURED and is now a FIP Legend!!

She started her journey on her deathbed at 8% HCT and the worst case UC Davis has seen in a while (per her internal medicine dr notes). 10 days of hospitalization at UC Davis and then another 5 days a month later due to drug resistance and jaundice. She required 4 blood transfusions total and is a super rare type that less than 5% of the cat population is a match for!! She’s a very, very special girl.

She needed an extra 2 weeks of meds plus a secondary antiviral… and I also learned her brother contracted FIP & survived but then died due to a congenital brain/neuro issue. This little girl has had everything stacked against her since day 1!! Not only that, but she now has stage 2 kidney disease due either to her FIP disease process OR a congenital issue.

Regardless, we will take managing that over this horrific virus anyday!!! 🙌🏻 she gained 4 lbs and is her best self, every day.


I have been reading about cats and being scared/not loving during treatments, well for us Ginger was sick when we got her and we don’t really know her personality. When we got her all she did was sleep and she loved my husband and would just cling to him and sleep on him all the time, but now she doesn’t want anything to do with us. We have gabapentin to help with shots and we will use the “sleepy time“ after her shot to snuggle with her but other then that she runs from us. She has had 33 days of treatment. Do you think she will eventually like/love us?


Day 4 on GS441524 – he has FIP wet (PCR confirmed this). Dexter has not lost his appetite and is grooming himself – I am willing my little kitten to live as I love this little fella so much. Thanks to FipMed soo much❤️🐾

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