FipMed GS-441524 tablets is an effective treatment for Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP).
Each FipMed tablet for 5kg cat contains 75mg GS-441524. It is formulated for cats weighing not more than 5kg.
GS-441524 is metabolically stable. However, the absorbed amount will not be fully metabolized after digestion. The estimated metabolized amount is sufficient for both Wet and Dry FIP. Please double the dosage for Ocular FIP and Neurological FIP. Take two tablets instead of one.
FIPMed tablets and dosage are formulated based on recommendations from Dr Niels Pedersen.
Wet / Dry FIP Dosage for Tablets:
Tablet Actual GS441524 Content: 15mg/kg
After 60% loss from digestion and metabolization*: 6mg/kg
Ocular / Neurological FIP Dosage for Tablets:
Tablet Actual GS441524 Content: 30mg/kg
After 60% loss from digestion and metabolization*: 12mg/kg
* Oral administration was also found to provide blood levels, but somewhat delayed and only at about 40% peak levels of subcutaneous and intravenous routes. GS-441424 is absorbed from the intestine with about 50% efficiency as subcutaneous or intravenous administration. Given the absorption limitations of oral GS-441524, one would expect the oral dosage to be around twice that of injections. (Niels Pedersen NC, 2018).
Each strip contains 10 oral tablets (10 days of treatment)
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