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What happens during the Final Stages of FIP in Cat

Final Stages of FIP in Cat

The diagnosis of Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) in cats is often heartbreaking for pet owners. It’s an incurable viral disease that may lead to fatality, depending on type and stage. While it is possible for a cat to survive FIP, understanding the final stages of FIP in cat can help a pet parent manage their expectations and make informed decisions about their beloved animal companion’s care.

In this article, we’ll discuss what to look out for so you can provide emotional support as well as effective palliative care in your cat’s end-of-life journey with FIP.

Understanding the Progression of FIP

An understanding of the progression of FIP requires an awareness of the early stages which move on to the advanced stages, eventually leading to its final stage.

From Early Stages to Advanced Stages

Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) is an insidious and highly fatal virus in cats. The progression of FIP can be divided into three stages, ranging from early to advanced. During the early stage, there are usually no visible symptoms but some may include a fluctuating fever, weight loss, lethargy, decreased appetite or fatigue.

As the disease progresses to the middle stage, affected cats will experience more pronounced clinical signs such as ocular lesions and neurological changes. In the advanced stage of FIP — which can take weeks or even months to develop — symptoms become more severe including clubbing of digits on feet; labored breathing; high fever; jaundice in newly-affected organs such as liver or kidneys; seizures or paralysis and ultimately death when organ failure occurs due to fluid accumulation in abdomen.

Early diagnosis through laboratory tests is key for successful treatment so that cat owners should get their felines examined at an earlier time if any suspicious symptoms occur.

Identifying the Final Stages

When trying to understand the progression of FIP (feline infectious peritonitis) in cats, it is important to identify the final stages. Knowing when you’ve reached this point will help inform treatment and monitor your cat’s condition more effectively.

It is also a time for providing additional comfort and care as palliative options may become available.

During the last phase of FIP, cats can exhibit neurological symptoms such as seizures, changes in behavior, vision changes, or central nervous system issues like head tilt. They may also show signs like inflammation from uveitis or even blindness if their eyes are affected severely enough by FIP lesions throughout their tissue.

Additionally, non-neurological signs can include listlessness, lethargy, decreased appetite accompanied by weight loss or anorexia and high fever with jaundice due to severe organ failure occurring much faster than normal physiological processes would dictate.

Neurological Symptoms

Cats that have reached the end stages of FIP may exhibit seizures, changes in behavior, vision issues, and central nervous system complications.


Seizures in Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) are an important and potentially life-threatening symptom. If left unchecked, they can cause serious damage to the nervous system or even death.

Seizures can be the only sign of neurological FIP, but often there are other symptoms such as abnormal mental status, behavior changes, cranial nerve deficits, central vestibular signs like ataxia and tetraparesis (incoordination), hyperesthesia (hyperactivity), and unusual movements that cat owners should look out for.

Neurological FIP usually presents as either primary or secondary disorders; cats with primary neurological FIP frequently show abnormal clinical signs while those with secondary neurologic disease have underlying systemic diseases.

Cats affected by neurological FIP are typically young – median age is 12 months – so prompt diagnosis and treatment is key to providing a positive outlook for these cats and their families.

Changes in Behavior

Cats with FIP may display a number of changes in their behavior as the disease progresses. In the final stages of FIP, these signs can indicate a more severe form of the illness. Neurological symptoms can lead to dementia-like behaviors such as confusion and disorientation.

In addition, cats may become increasingly lethargic and withdrawn due to pain or discomfort caused by inflammation in their body. These seemingly “sudden” changes can be difficult for owners to identify at first, since they may appear so gradually over time—for example, an owner might only notice that her cat has become less interested in playing over several days or weeks before realizing this is part of FIP’s progression.

Other behavioral symptoms associated with neurological issues include altered sleep cycles resulting from seizures and vision problems due to uveitis (inflammation within the eye).

Cats might also show signs of hyperactivity or restlessness due to exacerbations such as fever or organ failure. Finally, signs such as uncontrollable trembling should never be ignored; while some tremors are linked directly back to FIP itself, others could potentially signal serious complications like liver or kidney damage that could warrant additional medical attention right away if left untreated.

Vision Changes

Vision changes, including blindness, are a possible outcome when it comes to FIP in cats. During the final stages of FIP, cats may develop unstable pressure inside their eye known as glaucoma—usually unilateral.

That increased pressure on the optic nerve can result in neuronal damage and cause blindness or any discomfort that lead to vision related disorders. Additionally, inflammation around the eye can cause ocular issues by arresting normal functioning of eyelids, iris and other structures; causing intraocular swelling and bleeding resulting in uveitis which eventually leads to vision loss.

Therefore it is important for cat owners to monitor their cat’s vision during late stages of FIP and seek veterinary help if there are signs of unusual pupil size or redness – these symptoms could also be an indication of optic neuritis-induced injury leading again upshot in vision problems.

Central Nervous System Issues

Central nervous system (CNS) involvement in cats with FIP has been described, often resulting in seizures and other neurological symptoms. Cats experiencing CNS abnormalities associated with the disease may exhibit changes in behavior, such as restlessness or aggression, disorientation or confusion, circles — where they appear to be chasing their own tails — and vision changes including difficulty seeing or even blindness.

Immediate veterinary attention is necessary if CNS issues are suspected due to FIP so that measures for pain management and palliative care can be quickly put into place for comfort and support of the cat during this difficult time.

Ocular Symptoms

Signs such as inflammation, ocular discomfort and blindness may be seen in cats suffering from FIP in the final stages. Learn more about these symptoms and how to manage them here.


Inflammation is a key feature of the later stages of Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP). Immune-mediated vasculitis, inflammation of the blood vessels, and pyogranulomatous inflammatory reactions are common when the virus persists in cats’ bodies.

There may be an initial resolution to inflammation but it is only temporary as FIP eventually progresses. Ocular symptoms also manifest in late stages; one example is Uveitis, which is characterized by macrophage infiltration into ocular lesions.


Uveitis is a common ocular disease in cats with Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) in its final stages. The incidence of ocular signs such as uveitis in cats with FIP is estimated to be around 5 to 12%.

Uveitis can occur in both the «dry» and «wet» forms of FIP, but it is more commonly seen in the former. Cats who suffer from uveitis show symptoms such as squinting, sensitivity to light, watery eyes, and changes in iris color.

It causes uncomfortable itchiness in eyes and accompanied laser flare photophobia or light avoidance, blurred vision even blindness eventually if left untreated can lead to loss of eye lenses within several weeks after first onset symptoms experienced.

What’s more concerning about uvetis related to Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) is that it tends to develop alongside other clinical signs such as weight loss, poor appetite,, diarrhea or fever — making early diagnosis difficult.

If these signs start appearing together however they should be taken seriously; medication specifically designed for treating inflammation should always be discussed with your veterinarian first before administering them at home.


In the final stages of FIP in cats, blindness can occur as a result of ocular symptoms such as optic neuritis and ocular lesions. Optic neuritis is inflammation of the optic nerve that affects vision, often leading to visual impairment or even complete blindness.

Ocular lesions are also common in cats with FIP, particularly in cases of the dry form; these lesions can cause scarring on or inside the eye which leads to decreased visual acuity.

Furthermore, non-effusive FIP may present with ocular symptoms as its only clinical sign – if these signs are not identified early on they could lead to severe damage and loss of sight for the cat.

It is important for cat owners to be aware of their pet’s possible exposure risk and be vigilant — keeping an eye out (pun intended) for changes in their behavior or any physical manifestations like lesion formation around/in their eyes.

General Signs of End-Stage FIP

Cats with end-stage FIP may exhibit lethargy, weight loss, anorexia, high fever and jaundice.


Lethargy is an important symptom of end-stage feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) and can have a profound impact on the cat’s wellbeing. Lethargy occurs when cats move significantly less, feel drowsy or sluggish throughout the day, and in some cases may even sleep most of the time or for extended periods.

In cats with FIP, this fatigue is accompanied by decreased appetite and weight loss from lack of nutrient intake. Additionally, healthy cats are known to be social creatures that enjoy spending time with family members — however due to lethargy caused by FIP their interactions may diminish drastically as they do not show interest in playing anymore nor join activities instance amusingly watching birds through windows or showing up for treats at mealtime.

Weight Loss

Weight loss is often an indication that a cat has progressed to the latter stages of feline infectious peritonitis (FIP). Cats with FIP may experience decreased or absent appetite, leading to weight loss.

Weight loss in cats with FIP is most likely due to anorexia and systemic inflammation caused by the virus. It can also be accompanied by lethargy and listlessness, as the virus weakens their immune system and affects their body’s ability to workouts and absorb nutrients from food.

In addition to weight loss, other signs of end-stage FIP may include weakness and fever. As cats lose appetite due to dehydration or nausea associated with infection, further exacerbating their losses in body condition score.


Anorexia is a common symptom of cats in the final stages of Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP). Often occurring when the cat’s immune system has been weakened by the virus, anorexia describes extreme and sustained loss of appetite.

This lack of interest in food can lead to significant weight loss, muscle wasting, lethargy, and decreased energy levels due to inadequate nutrition. Anorexia can also be accompanied by other clinical signs including jaundice, fever, seizures, blindness or vision changes as well as central nervous system issues.

The underlying cause of anorexia in cats with end-stage FIP is typically due to inflammation resulting from the build-up of bodily fluids stemming from damaged organs such as liver and kidneys; further exacerbating existing organ dysfunction and failures caused by FIP itself.

Cats may also experience difficulty swallowing or even pain upon attempting to eat—all leading them away from any interests in their food bowls. As a result veterinarians will often recommend palliative care for comfortable management while continuing health maintenance until an animal passes away or treatment becomes available.

High Fever

High fever is a common clinical sign in the end-stage of Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) in cats. A high fever, typically more than 104 degrees Fahrenheit, can be caused by many types of illnesses and conditions including infections or systemic inflammation.

In FIP cases it is usually linked to immune system dysfunction and intense levels of inflammation resulting from an infection with the virus at work. The early stages often include a fluctuating fever that becomes more consistent as FIP progresses to its final stage and can involve organ involvement along with systemic symptoms throughout the body.

It is important for cat owners to monitor their pet’s temperature as soon as they notice any signs that indicate illness such as a sluggishness, decreased appetite or changes in behavior since these all may suggest possible infection with the coronavirus associated with FIP if other infectious diseases have been ruled out beforehand.

If unmanaged appropriately, cats affected by the disease experience a decline in their health and overall condition associated with severe discomfort which progress until death occurs within several months after diagnosis on average although this may vary depending on circumstances surrounding each individual case.


Jaundice is a frequently encountered symptom of Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP). It occurs when there is an accumulation of bilirubin in the blood and tissues, which can present itself as yellowing to the cat’s skin, mucous membranes or eyes.

In cats with FIP, jaundice develops due to compromised bilirubin metabolism and excretion. This is usually caused by fluid accumulation in areas such as the abdomen due to infection with feline infectious peritonitis virus (FIPV), which impairs liver function.

Jaundice can be seen in circumstances other than diseases associated with FIP but its presence during advanced stages should alert owners that this could mean their cat has FIP.

Depending on what form the disease takes («effusive» vs «noneffusive»), jaundice may be more prevalent at some stages compared to others. For example, in cats suffering from non-effusive FIP (dry form) it typically occurs late into the terminal stage once organ injury begins and/or when ascites occur smarter beverages etcetera.

Organ Failure

The later stages of Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) can be devastating for both cats and their owners. Cats with FIP may experience a number of serious complications, many of which can ultimately lead to organ failure.

The kidneys are the most common site of organ failure in cats with end-stage FIP, but the liver may also become compromised due to this disease. Symptoms associated with organ failure depend on which organs fail – for example, kidney failure often leads to weight loss or anorexia as well as increased water consumption and urination, whereas liver failure typically causes jaundice or yellowing around the eyes and mouth.

Behavioral Changes in Cats with End-Stage FIP

Owners may notice a change in behavior in cats with end-stage FIP, such as hiding, labored breathing, increased sensitivity to touch, altered grooming habits and reduced mobility.


Cats tend to cope with pain and discomfort in different ways, and this is a sign of end-stage FIP in cats. Hiding is one such behavior associated with this stage of the disease, as the cat may be feeling either depressed or overwhelmed by its condition.

Cats understand that they can find safety and protection from potential dangers when they are hidden away. When their energy levels become low due to illness or illness-related symptoms, they will try to hide more often than usual for extended periods of time.

This hiding behavior could also be triggered by vision changes; if a cat’s vision starts deteriorating it might feel scared or anxious when left out in open spaces where it cannot quickly identify its surroundings—therefore choosing instead to retreat somewhere known where it feels protected from unknown threats.

Cat owners should provide their cats suffering from FIP with lots of love, comfort and understanding during these final stages since even small acts like petting them can help soothe both emotional and physical discomforts related to the disease.

A warm bed draped over by a blanket (as well as any other desired item) can create an inviting place encouraging them not only to rest but allude new settings while keeping some control over what’s happening around themselves at all times without becoming overwhelmed nor needing more energy than already needed given their state.

Difficulty Breathing

In the final stages of FIP, cats may experience difficulty breathing. This is due to a weakening of their respiratory system caused by the virus, which can lead to inflammation and fluid build-up in their lungs.

Fluid buildup has been known to cause cats with effusive disease—one stage of FIP—to have trouble breathing normally. Cats with the dry form may also suffer from chest tightness that hinders normal breathing patterns as well.

In both cases, wheezing and coughing may be experienced by affected cats during these times. Depending on how severe the respiratory symptoms are, certain medications or treatments like oxygen therapy might need to be administered for efficient management of airway obstruction in order to improve quality of life for cats suffering from this condition at the end stage.

Pain or Discomfort

Many cats with FIP in their final stages will experience pain or discomfort due to the inflammation and swelling caused by this disease. Signs of pain may include hiding, difficulty breathing, changes in behavior such as pacing, groaning or meowing more than normal and changes in grooming habits.

Pain management is key at easing a cat’s suffering throughout the progression of end-stage FIP. It can be provided through medication prescribed by a vet that target suppressing inflammation associated with FIP, for instance corticosteroids which can also reduce other symptoms like jaundice.

Other forms of pain relief such as massage therapy accompanied by gentle handling has been known to provide comfort during difficult times towards the end of life for cats impacted by this disease.

Grooming Habits

It is common for cats to groom themselves at least once or twice a day. However, this behavior can decrease as cats enter the final stages of FIP. Cat owners should monitor their cat’s grooming habits and if they notice any changes in how often their cat grooms itself, it may be an indication that something else is going on.

Reduced grooming could mean that your pet is experiencing underlying illness or pain due to degenerative joint disease (DJD), bladder pain, reduced mobility, or another issue related to FIP.

If a cat’s grooming behaviors change noticeably during the end-stage of FIP it is important to provide comfort and support for them in addition to following treatment options recommended by the veterinarian.

To help keep up with your feline friend’s hygiene you can brush his coat regularly and take note of more severe instances such as bald patches which could indicate psychogenic alopecia caused by excessive hair-pulling from stress or anxiety associated with end stage FIP progression.


At the end stages of FIP in cats, their mobility is severely impacted. This means that they experience a decrease in their ability to move around and walk as the disease progresses.

Typically, this affects the cat’s ability to perform everyday activities such as jumping on furniture or running around like usual. In addition to decreased movement, cats might also suffer from stiffness and muscle weakness due to damaged organs caused by FIP.

As a result, these cats may find it difficult not only to move but also even stand for long periods of time or sit comfortably without falling off balance.

Palliative Care and Treatment Options

Palliative care is an option available to owners dealing with these issues – providing extra comfort and support while monitoring changes related to mobility difficulty can help ensure that the cat’s remaining days are as comfortable as possible for them; some options include using assisting devices such as ramps which can make it easier for them when climbing up stairs, wheelchairs if necessary or having litter boxes located near where they spend most of their time resting so that they don’t have far distances between rest areas and elimination locations if needed.

Providing Comfort and Support

When cats have been diagnosed with the terminal condition feline infectious peritonitis (FIP), it is important to focus on providing comfort and support for those furry friends in their final stages.

Veterinarians can help pet owners understand what to expect with FIP, and how they can best provide quality of life care.

Palliative or comfort care helps keep cats as pain-free and contented as possible during the end-stage of life. This type of medical attention focuses on symptom control rather than attempting a cure for a terminal illness such as FIP.

Cat owners can expect various treatments, which may include medications, supplements, dietary adjustments, environmental changes at home, litter box considerations and more. Unwanted symptoms from advanced FIP can often be managed through topical steroids which increase appetite while also reducing inflammation from within affected organs like liver damage or uveitis — an ocular complication associated with this virus disease.

Pain Management

Pain management is an important part of palliative care for cats with FIP. The goal in pain management is to help reduce discomfort, improve quality of life and provide necessary support during the final stages of the disease.

A multimodal approach has been proven to be most effective when managing pain in cats with FIP because it helps target multiple aspects and pathways related to the animal’s perception of pain.

This may include narcotics such as fentanyl patch or buprenorphine, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAID’s), and neuropathic agents that can control seizure activity associated with neurological symptoms caused by FIP.

Steroid treatment, specifically prednisolone, is also commonly used for palliative care in FIP cats; however its overall effectiveness remains controversial due to possible side effects like digestive issues and immunosuppression.

Nutritional Care

Proper nutrition is imperative for cats with FIP in order to maintain their overall health and prevent further deterioration. Consider consulting a veterinary nutritionist to ensure that your cat follows an optimal diet tailored to its condition, activity level and individual needs.

It is important that cats receiving palliative care receive small, frequent meals throughout the day rather than large infrequent meals as this can be more easily digested. Providing nutrient-rich proteins such as organic chicken, turkey or beef are essential for building muscle mass and maintaining bodily functions.

Making sure your cat gets plenty of vitamin C from healthy food sources such as spinach, sweet potato and kale may also help protect against infections due to its antioxidant properties.

Finally, animals suffering from end-stage FIP need plenty of fluids both from foods like soft canned kitten food or commercially available liquid supplements which you can buy at pet stores or online retailers.

Hospice Options

When a cat is facing terminal illness and nearing its end, hospice care can be a merciful way to ease them into the next phase of life. Veterinary palliative medicine involves declining or withdrawing curative therapies for an animal in order to provide comfort and dignified quality of life at the terminal stage of their disease.

Examples include managing pain medications as well as nutritional support, hydration, and providing emotional comfort through supportive touch and calming environments.

Hospice care does not have an age requirement; it’s available for any kind of cat—from kitten to senior cats—facing a terminal illness such as FIP. Even young cats with severe neurological symptoms can benefit from low level pain management in addition to treatments that focus on symptom control rather than curative options.

Good nursing care which emphasizes elements such as providing warm bedding, covering eyes during seizures, etc., can help make each day more comfortable for cats living out their final days.

Coping with the Loss of a Cat to FIP

Grieving the loss of a beloved pet can be difficult, so it is important to reach out for support and create ways to remember the feline in order to honor their memory.

The Grieving Process

Coping with the loss of a beloved pet to FIP can be an incredibly difficult experience, and understanding the process of grief is important for helping individuals accept their loss.

Mourning can take many forms, ranging from physical manifestations such as joint soreness or headaches, to emotional responses such as anger or sadness. Knowing that these feelings are normal and common provides comfort during this challenging time.

Along with general grieving following euthanasia, specific emotions may also arise in response to FIP-related losses due to the unpredictable and often protracted nature of the disease.

Some cat owners may feel guilt about not being able to recognize symptoms earlier or worry about how long their pet had been suffering before they sought veterinary assistance. Others may feel regret knowing that they will never get closure over why their pet ultimately passed away despite any treatments that were administered.

It is essential for cat parents dealing with these complex feelings associated with FIP-related losses to find emotional support in friends, family members — including other cats in the household — professionals like counselors specialised in bereavement-care counselling.

Finding Support

Losing a beloved pet can be devastating, and the pain of losing them to FIP is heightened by its suddenness. It’s important for cat owners who are coping with such loss to find sources of support wherever possible.

Reaching out to connect with others who have been through similar experiences can provide comfort and reassurance that you’re not alone in your grief. Pet loss programs like those offered by universities or local animal shelters can provide great resources as well as people to talk through shared emotions.

Support groups held in person or online also offer more focused conversation related specifically to FIP, while counseling services help manage sadness and adjust expectations around life after the loss of a dear friend.

Even just talking it over with friends and family members about what they went through when their own pets died may bring relief from deep feelings of guilt or confusion—particularly if it could have been prevented through better understanding of the disease beforehand.

Honoring the Cat’s Memory

For cat owners whose companion has passed away from FIP, the loss can be devastating. It’s important to find time and proper ways to reflect on and celebrate the life of a beloved feline who has been lost far too soon due to this heartbreaking disease.

Keeping memories alive in meaningful ways can help pet owners cope with their grief and even bring comfort during difficult times.

Creating a physical space or area in which a pet owner may remember their cat is one way they may honor its memory. A garden or special part of the yard, for example, could serve as both memorial site where people may remember and make connections — e.g., planting flowers that were favorites of the lost kitty – as well as serving as a living reminder when those pieces bloom again each year in salute to an extraordinary individual gone far too soon.

An album with photos documenting precious moments shared between pet parent and feline might also bring solace while providing a journey through some of the best days spent together before-hand.

Scrapbooking supplies devoted to featuring artwork from loved ones can also create positive outlets for reflection post-pet loss by writing stories about favorite memories, funny anecdotes, heartwarming moments captured throughout time spent together before passing away due to FIP initiatives & more Tributes such as these offer forms of remembrances that illustrate how much love was had — something particularly resonant following tragedy events like these – all creating pathways so that those no longer here still live on forever within hearts despite tremendous loss having taken hold most tangibly visible form imaginable: That absent presence always felt but no longer seen face-to-face any longer quite explicitly now (introspectively speaking).

Reflecting on the Journey with FIP

Taking the time to reflect on the journey with FIP can help owners come to terms with their loss and honor their cat’s memory in meaningful ways.

Celebrating the Cat’s Life

The death of a beloved pet is always heartbreaking and filled with grief. When your cat has suffered from Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) and eventually passes away, it can be especially hard to cope with the loss.

There are many ways to honor their life and recognize the bond you shared with them during their time here on earth.

One way to remember your furry friend is by creating a memorial for them. This can take many forms depending on your preferences, whether that’s getting an engraved plaque or building a garden in homage of their life.

You could even make something tangible such as planting a tree or flower outside, creating an art piece or simply framing photos which remind you of happy times spent together. Many families also opt for making donations in memory of their pet to animal welfare organizations dedicated to helping cats have healthier lives.

It’s important not only remember our cats, but equally important is starting the healing process after losing them too soon due to FIP. Finding support—whether it’s through talking about memories online or seeking counseling if needed—can help both parties honouring and letting go at once, allowing us all some closure throughout this journey towards acceptance.

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